
Dr Paul C. Bell

Dr Paul C. Bell
Reader in Computability and Automata Theory
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Keele University, UK

p.c.bell [at] keele.ac.uk

Research Profile

Google Scholar Profile
DBLP Profile
ORCID Profile




Research Background

Quaternion Julia Fractal
Computational Geometry

I research problems in Theoretical Computer Science, on the border between Computer Science and Mathematics. Lists of my publications are available at DBLP, Google Scholar or ORCID. Some more detailed topics that I have worked on are given below.

I currently have a two year Royal Society International Exchange grant for bilateral travel with Université catholique de Louvain. I have received two travel grants from the London Mathematical Society for research visits to University of Göttingen. I received an NVIDIA hardware grant in 2015 for simulations of adiabatic quantum computation.

I have supervised four PhD student to completion and I am currently supervising two students in Theoretical Computer Science and Pure Mathematics.

I am on the Editorial Board of The Computer Journal (The British Computer Society).

Thanks for showing an interest in my work.

Research Areas
Automated verification:
  • Dynamical systems (discrete, continuous and hybrid time) and linear recurrence sequences
  • Graph problems, Petri nets and linear systems (matrix semigroups)
  • Stochastic systems, probabilistic, Buchi, weighted and quantum finite automata and problems on Markov chains
  • Coding theory, formal languages, vector additional systems with states
Complexity, computability and efficient algorithmic design:
  • Algebraic structures, matrix semigroups, graph theory, group theory and linear systems (in particular: reachability, convergence, freeness, joint spectral radius; undecidability)
  • Theory of computation, design of algorithms for compressed data representations, symbolic logic, unconventional models of computation, quantum automata
Other research areas
  • Multiprocessor scheduling algorithms for dynamic power management (energy and temperature minimization)
  • Efficient multi-CPU and GPU algorithm design, analysis and implementation; scalable algorithms; Online algorithms and competitive analysis in various domains
  • Discrepancy theory, sampling, semi-supervised clustering, computational geometry
External Examining
University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science, MEng Computer Science Programme, External Examiner (2022-present)
External PhD examiner for several students at Loughborough University, University of Liverpool, and Turku University.
Programme Committees and Chairs

Teaching and Bio

I am a Reader in Computability and Automata Theory at Keele University. I was previously a Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University and I am a visiting fellow and was previously a Lecturer at Loughborough University (2011-2017), University Teacher at University of Liverpool (2009-2011) and I had postdoctoral research positions at Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium (2008), University of Turku, Finland (2007) and I completed my PhD at University of Liverpool, UK in 2007.
Keele University
Reader in Computability and Automata Theory, 2022-present

Mobile Application Development (CSC-20038), Introduction to Algorithms (CSC-10064), Individual Study Topic in Computer Science (CSC-20047), Final Year Projects.

Liverpool John Moores University
Senior Lecturer, 2017-2022

Mobile and Web Development (5130COMP), Programming Language Theory (5129COMP), Introduction to Web Programming (4122COMP), Compiler Design (5121COMP), Final Year Projects.

Loughborough University
Lecturer, 2011 - 2017

Algorithm Analysis (COC104), Introduction to Algorithms (COA105), Operating Systems, Networks and the Internet (COB231), Server-Side Programming (COA123), Final Year Projects.

University of Liverpool
University Teacher, 2009 - 2011

Software Engineering (COMP201), Database and Information Systems (COMP518), Human-Centric Computing (COMP106), Introduction To Programming In Java (COMP101), Group Software Project (COMP208)

Conference Organisation

I organised a special session on Reachability Problems at Computability in Europe, Swansea, 2022. I was the co-chair of 15th International Conference on Reachability Problems, held in Liverpool, UK in 2021. I was co-chair of BCTCS 2014, The 30th British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science.


Keele University: Programme Director (Computer Science Undergraduate Programmes)
Loughborough University: Senior Tutor, Programme Director For Computer Science and Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, Part A (first year) Tutor; LJMU: Member of Faculty Recognition Group.